10 April, 2002
BEEP, beep, beep. Walk 8 strides. BEEP, beep, beep. Repeat again.
Eyes forward, keep walking the straight line. CRASH, Fumble, fall, on
your face or back in the deep snow. Snowshoes sticking up in the air,
wires and
probes lie in a tangled mess. Must get up and keep walking. Push,
heave, tug on a tree or a bush, Upright again. Keep walking and beeping
one of the crew retrieves you on a snowmachine. A long, lonely walk in
the snow starked Alaska wilderness. Without the beeps, there is
nothing but complete, lonesome, silence.
This is the scenario that constitutes the GPS/MagnaProbe long walk.
The GPS measurements and MagnaProbe gives us the snow depth along a
given very-long transect. Our 100-meter line measurements are just a
sample of the snow in that given space. The GPS/MagnaProbe measurements
give us a
more accurate picture of the snow and the terrain surrounding the 100-m
sites. A notepad is also carried along to record notes about the terrain
the walk. Notes such as leaving the forest, entering the tundra,
crossing an icy pond and crossing a snowmachine track are examples of
notes that are recorded. These are all used to paint a picture of the
terrain and the snow depth. Each time a 100-meter site is measured,
the GPS/MagnaProbe measurements are taken. These measurements allow
us to better understand the climate and snow cover North and South of
the Brooks Range.
LATITUDE: 68.10908 degrees North
LONGITUDE: 156.35880 degrees West
The farther we travel into the Brooks Range, the more the Arctic cold
greets us. Camp was broken and the day began. A long day of traveling and
calculating the route through the mountains was ahead of us. The days of
wearing my full Arctic parka had arrived. The sun is still shining but the
temperatures have dropped and the wind has arrived. Many abbreviated
100-meter sites were taken along the route. Our route through the mountains
seemed as a portal through time. Traveling through valleys, creeks, the
mighty Noatak River, and ascending the shoulders of mountain peaks were
highlights of our route. Atop a peak, the sun shined, the sky was clear
and scattered with diamond dust. Shelter was found behind a small hill and
a patch of willows. Camp was set up. Home had been established once again
for the evening. The cold had descended; we were deep in the Arctic
Temperature max: -10 degrees Celsius
Temperature min: -28 degrees Celsius
Matthew Sturm
P.O. Box 35170
Ft. Wainwright, AK 99703

Wolf prints int the snow, along the trail. The size reference is a leatherman tool.

Traveling through the Brooks Range Mountains.

Ken Tape running the MagnaProbe/GPS unit.
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