20 July, 2002
July 20, 2002
Greetings from the tundra of Camp Olak - Day 2, Week 7. No sign of a
chopper, so I am blessed with another night in my tent beside Xema
lake. Although confined to the tent area waiting for a possible pick
up flight, I was able to enjoy the sun, wind and leisurely time. I'd
like to first begin writing where I left off yesterday - a little
more science, then end with a few 'other' lessons learned during
these summer days in the arctic.
As mentioned, besides finding the king eider nests and measuring egg
sizes, we also attempted to collect other data such as incubation
temperatures, estimated hatching dates and habitat selections for
nest sites. To measure incubation temperatures, in some of the nests
checked, we placed a small, computerized instrument called a HOBO
temp. This piece of equipment measured nest temperatures every 20
minutes for 12 consecutive days. When the HOBO temp was collected,
the data was then downloaded onto a computer and a graph of
temperature fluctuations during those 12 days. With that data, we can
get an idea of nest attendance (time hen spent on the nest) and
temperatures the hen was able to maintain. With this information,
some questions could be answered. For example, we can determine how
often a female leaves a nest once incubation has begun, and how long
she stays away from the nest. We could also determine if time on/off
the nest changes throughout the incubation period (does she stay on
longer towards the end of incubation or at the beginning??). This
information could also be used as a comparison between regions, to
determine if birds behave differently in other places. It could also
be used to help determine causes of success or lack of success
between nests.
As we returned to nests to insert HOBO's or to check on status, we
also candled the eggs. As described before, this is a process of
looking through the egg to estimate the date of hatching. The main
reason we wanted to know the approximate hatching date was to allow
us to trap the hen just prior to hatching, attach a radio
transmitter, then return on the hatching date to track the hen and
ducklings as they moved away from their nests. Although we were able
to get pretty good estimates on hatching dates, we seemed to always
be just a day late. Because of this, our tracking possibilities ended
without any success this year (but the experience should allow for
better results next summer!)
Now that all nests have hatched (or been depredated) and the birds
have left, we are going back to the nests to do a final habitat
evaluation of the nest site. As we do the habitat evaluation, there
is much information we record. We measure the size of the nest,
describe the plants within a 1m area from the nest, describe area
within 5m and 50 meters of the nest, and measure the distance to the
nearest permanent body of water. We also measure distances to the
nearest nests found in that area, and there are a few other details
we record, as well. With this information, it may be possible to
determine if king eiders or tundra swans choose one type of habitat
area over another - this would be referred to as a habitat
association. With this information, scientists could possibly predict
which areas would be suitable for King Eider nesting, which areas
need the most protection to allow for future nesting, and how large
of an undisturbed habitat area is necessary for successful population
growth or maintenance. It could also, possibly, be useful in
predicting how human disruption of a habitat could influence breeding
success and population sizes.
By looking at distances from other nests, nesting associations may
also be found. Past research has shown that King Eiders are more
successful if they build nests approximately 150 m from a glaucus
gull nest, but if they nest within 50 m of that same bird, they are
less successful. Although I don't know what our data shows, the
thinking behind this nesting association is that glaucus gulls will
depredate the King Eider nests. So, if built too close, they become
lunch for the gull. On the other hand, if they are built in the
vicinity of the gull, the gull's aggressive behavior actually
protects it from other potential predators.
There is a lot of potential learning and discovering that could be
done with the data we've been able to collect this summer. Although
more supportive data would be necessary, at least more direct
questions could be posed. Speaking of questions - here is one I've
been asking - How do mosquitoes know where to find blood??? To back
up, I have been saying that the tundra has provided me with much
learning. Although that is an understatement, much of my learning has
come from the help of Rebecca and Yumiko, as well. As much of our
conversation these days revolves around mosquitoes, I asked them if
they knew how mosquitoes knew to attack me? Of course, they had read
and heard a couple of possibilities. Recent research has actually
shown that mosquitoes can sense changes in carbon dioxide. As all
animals release carbon dioxide as a waste gas (you breathe it out),
mosquitoes find you! It is also believed they can sense heat. So a
combination of air with higher levels of carbon dioxide and warmer
temperatures attracts the mosquito Š bzzzzzzzzzzz! Their ability to
find me has made a task I bragged about earlier, squatting to relieve
bladder pressure without using hands for balance, a bit more
difficult. When standing still, and low to the ground where there is
less wind, the mosquitoes have quite an opportunity to feast.
Unfortunately, they don't just look for 'any area' but seem to be
vicious enough to search out the bare areas you would least like
bitten! The resulting itchy feeling is not very comfortable, nor
easily relieved!
To end tonight, I thought I'd leave you with a few things I haven't
experience this summer in the tundra. Things that I, and probably
you, have always taken for granted. I haven't seen any ROCKS ( a few
pieces of gravel at the bottom of the creek would be the only
exceptions). I have not seen a tree, or a cow. I have not seen the
sun rise, the sun set or the darkness of night. I have not had the
pleasure of watching a thunderhead build up and then enjoy the
lightning and thunder as it passes by. I haven't heard a
car/train/truck engine. I haven't heard a dog bark. I haven't heard
the phone ring. And strangest of all, I haven't heard or seen ESPN's
Sportscenter! So, although I've observed much these past two months,
there are a few things I haven't!

This picture was taken today. It looks just a little warmer and friendlier now than a month ago, huh?

This was a picture of the main tent and Xema in the background, taken about a month ago. Compare it with the next picture taken today!
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