22 May, 2000
May 22, 2000
Dear Everyone,
It is with tremendous regret that I must say good-bye. I return to my home
in Washington State on May 24. I will miss the Healy, it's crew and
passengers, and it's bridge in the tranquility and magnificence of the
evenings at sea and in the ice. I will remember the people, the
personalities, with great fondness and I will be smiling. I will remember
the stunning splendor of the Arctic I have come to love and the ship, this
marvelous icebreaker that took me there and was my home for the past three
and one half weeks.
There are many people I want to acknowledge for facilitating and supporting
my Arctic Healy experience. For the Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and
the Arctic (TEA) Program funded by the National Science Foundation through
the Division of Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education of the
Directorates of Education and Human Resources and the Office of Polar
Programs and also for the United States Coast Guard, I extend grateful
thanks and appreciation.
Gratitude and recognition also is extended to Captain Garrett, Executive
Officer Oliver, and the personnel of the USCGC Healy and the Principle
Investigators (P.I.s) of the TEA Program: Kelly Falkner, Deb Meese, and
Stephanie Shipp. Special admiration, appreciation, and thankfulness is
extended to Terry Tucker, the Co-Chief Scientist of this phase of the
Healy's Ice Trials and my P.I. during this field experience, for generously
sharing his expertise, time and guidance.
A heartfelt thank-you is extended to the crew, passengers and scientists of
the Healy who patiently answered my many questions and allowed me to
photograph, never complaining and always with kindness. This was their gift
to education; to public, private, and informal education through me to you.
Parcticular thanks are extended to the Kiwanis Club of Silverdale,
Washington, and to Tom and Nita Behrens and their home-school association
for their gifts of money toward film processing costs.
I would be remiss if I did not thank my husband, Lester, my family, and my
friends who wholeheartedly and unquestionably support my endeavors. It is
always appreciated.
Does this sound like the Academy Awards? And to you, my audience, thank you
for your correspondence, positive comments and for facilitating the
implementation of my journals into classroom teaching and learning
experiences for students.
This Healy field experience completes the first phase of my work. The
second phase is sharing my experiences through speaking and presentation
engagements, developing student-learning activities based upon my
experiences and continuing to mentor teachers. If you should wish to
contact me for a presentation engagement on my Arctic Healy experience, my
Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica, experiences or both, you may
contact me at the hotmail email address listed below.
Best regards,
Sandra Kolb

The science gear is crated, labeled and stored in the science gear storage space of the Healy. It's time to say good-bye. photo by Chris Meadus

Me, Sandra Kolb, writing my daily journals to you at my desk in my stateroom on the Healy. photo by Jerry Oldham

The USCGC Healy docked at pier 17, St. John's, Newfoundland.

The USCGC Healy at pier 17, St. John's, Newfoundland. photo by Sandra
Contact the TEA in the field at
If you cannot connect through your browser, copy the
TEA's e-mail address in the "To:" line of
your favorite e-mail package.