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7 December, 2004South Pole Flight Site, EXTREME 04, AMNH resources, and More! Web site Commemorates First Flyer to Reach South Pole Byrd's 1929 journey opened the southernmost continent to science http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/04/ma0437.htm "Richard Evelyn Byrd's historic flight to the South Pole 75 years ago this month laid the groundwork for today's United States Antarctic Program, the nation's massive research enterprise on the southernmost continent. In honor of Byrd's accomplishment, the National Science Foundation (NSF) today launched a commemorative Web site that chronicles how aircraft make scientific research in the polar regions possible and describes some of the cutting-edge discoveries made because of the logistics support aircraft provide. NSF manages the U.S. Antarctic Program, coordinating all U.S. scientific research on the continental and the surrounding oceans. The Web site may be accessed at http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/events/byrd/." ******************************** EXTREME 2004 is launched To all desk-bound oceanographers and virtual oceanographers: Dr. Craig Cary is out at sea, and you can join his expedition to 9 degrees N on the East Pacific Rise! http://www.ocean.udel.edu/extreme2004/ More than 53,000 middle and high school students from seven foreign countries and more than 760 schools in 49 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Guam will parcticipate in the dive by using Internet and telephone connections, according to Tracey Bryant, director of the UD Marine Public Education Office. More at: http://www.udel.edu/PR/UDaily/2005/dec/extreme120304.html ******************************** CALL FOR ENTRIES: Young Naturalist Awards http://www.amnh.org/youngnaturalistawards Now in its eighth year, the Young Naturalist Awards is accepting entries for the 2005 contest. Winners receive cash scholarships and an expense-paid trip to New York City. All parcticipants will receive a certificate and a letter from Museum scientists with constructive feedback. Deadline is January 7, 2005. ******************************** Book Available Online ISBN 0-87933-370-7 "An Arctic Ecosystem: The Coastal Tundra at Barrow, Alaska" The book is available at: http://www.mblwhoilibrary.org/databases/brown/index.html ******************************** SUBJECT: RESEARCH EXPERIENCE FOR TEACHERS (RET) SUPPLEMENT OPPORTUNITY. NSF Dear Colleague letter available at http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2005/nsf05524/nsf05524.htm ******************************** RESOURCE HIGHLIGHT: Meet the Earth OLogist http://ology.amnh.org Vote for the weekly question that you want Earth scientist Ed Mathez to answer next! "Meet the OLogist" is part of OLogy, the American Museum of Natural History's science-rich website for kids. ******************************** Reminder: REGISTRATION OPEN: Seminars on Science Online Graduate Courses http://learn.amnh.org/welcome.php?w=NCSLETW05 This winter, Seminars on Science is offering four courses for educators in the life, Earth, and physical sciences. All the courses are online and only require Internet access: no travel time and no scheduling headaches. Each course, taught by Museum scientists and educators, is available for up to 4 graduate credits. Courses begin January 31, and a $100 discount off the course price is available for those who register by December 7.
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