4 December, 2001
One of the scientist from Bartol Research Institute that was supposed to be here with us is finally on his way. He was held up in the United States due to passport and visa problems. Within in a day of getting the problems resolved, he was on his way to join us. We expect him to arrive within a day or two.
Expecting his arrival soon, Jerry and I continued working on the detector. We spent the majority of the morning constructing the heating device that will control the freezing of the water. Since we want to the water to freeze slow, allowing all the air bubbles to escape, it may take a few weeks for the water to completely turn to ice.
After we finished constructing the heater, I set up a solar shadow experiment. A school in Pennsylvania had asked that I record the length of a shadow on the summer solstice, which will be on December 21. I am going to take an image of the shadow everyday until I leave the South Pole. I doubt I will be here for the solstice, so I will find a volunteer to take the image for me.
The solar shadow experiment was easy to set up. I took a bamboo flag marker and drove it into the snow until it was exactly 3 feet in height. Then, I marked off 3 foot intervals arouund the marker. Since the shadow is so long, I had to place the yardstick at the very end of the intervals. Using a little math, it is possible to calculate the angle that the sun is above the horizon. Each day, the sun climbs about a quarter of a degree higher above the horizon. On December 21, it should be at its maximum height above the horizon...23.5 degrees.
Biological Data
Saturated Oxygen: 92%
Pulse Rate: 91
Weather Data
Temperature: -28.2 F
Wind Chill: -52.1 F

Jason displaying the newly constructed Bai-Heater 2001.

Solar Shadow Experiment Stick Height = 36 inches Shadow Length = 94 inches
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