15 August, 2001
A Room With A View
Wednesday, 15 August 2001
Life on Board
Oh, WOW! An announcement went out over the loud speakers this evening that
anyone wanting to take a helicopter ride should go line up at the
helicopter deck at 9 pm. The crew was given first priority since we are
not underway right now, and most of them could take time out of their work
schedule for a flight. With this in mind, I headed to the volleyball court
to await my turn. After a few flights, they started landing on the ice
next to the volleyball court to pick up the next group of people since
everyone was down there anyway. Our incredibly competent Norwegian
helicopter team, Odd Hansen and Stig Onarheim (yes, those are their real
names), could take 4 sightseers armed with cameras at a time. Harnesses
buckled, headphones on, thumbs up, and away we go. This was my first heli
ride except for the big Russian airbus we flew the short distance to the
Russian icebreaker Yamal on August 6. And boy, was it ever a ride. Roller
coaster in 3-D. Stomach lurching fun, speeding low over the ice, then
straight up, take a spin around the Oden. With Odd at the helm, you never
know what's next (I'm glad I didn't eat too much for dinner). Anyway, I
got some great pictures and video of Oden from space.
Where Are We Now?
It was foggy this morning when I woke up at 7 am (We are using GMT or UTC
time on the ship, which puts us 7 hours ahead of San Diego time, 2 hours
behind Sweden time). It soon cleared up to a beautiful day with no wind
before lunch, increasing somewhat to cool things down later in the day.
Our coordinates at 6 pm tonight were 88o20'N/2o37' W.
Scientists at Work
About 9 am this morning, we snow mobiled out to an open lead about 1.5 km
away on the other side of our ice floe with the small boats for surface
microlayer sampling. It was so beautiful outside with the ice edges
perfectly reflected on the water, the temperature just below freezing, and
no wind to sneak its way through our Gore-tex outerwear. The bigger of the
two boats (2 meters long), lost a propeller to the depths at some point so
it had to be repaired at the site but the small boat (1 meter long) went
right in and started collecting. It was so cold that the water would
freeze into a slush on the rolling collection drum and pile up at the neck
of the sample bottle. But the sunlight was wonderful and we got samples so
the day was considered a success.
Vi ses! (See you later!)
From Deck 4 on the Icebreaker Oden, heading southwest, still north of 88,
Dena Rosenberger


At the controls of the small microlayer sampler boat
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