20 October, 1998
Tuesday, October 20th, 1998
Hi! Today was a VERY interesting day! I started off at 9:00 AM at the CDC
(Clothing Distribution Center) where they issued us our ECW (Extreme Cold
Weather) gear. Everything here has an acronym instead of using the longer
name! Mike, who is in charge of the CDC gave us an introduction to the
process, which many people in the room had been through before. He pointed
out the various types of gear we could be issued...based on what jobs and
projects we would be working on in Antarctica. The gear was displayed on
the wall, hanging in various categories... all of the parkas and jackets
together, gloves and mittens, footgear, long undies, fleece expedition gear,
etc... After Mike was finished, we watched a short video that reinforced
many of the things he had told us about wearing this gear in the harsh
environment of Antarctica. Next stop...the changing rooms.
What a system! They had two changing rooms...men's and women's...and in
each room the gear bags were lined up in alphabetical order by our last
names. Our large bags that we plan to take to McMurdo (or wherever!) were
also stored in this room. I grabbed my two orange duffles and began the
long process of trying on each and every item in the bags. This is very
important because it's not like you can exchange things easily once you get
down on the ice. I started with the long undies and worked my way up to my
outer layers...making sure that there was plenty of room for all of my
layers. In my bags there were two sets of expedition weight long undies, a
one-piece fleece overall, a fleece jacket, my red parka, a red wind jacket
(for those warm days, yeah right!), my "bunny" boots, 6 pairs of wool socks,
a neck gaiter, two different types of hats, wind/snow bibs, and a wide
assortment of gloves and mittens. We were able to trade things back in if
we had some of our own gear, and exchange sizes when needed. Trying
everything on took over an hour!
The next step was packing this gear back into the two orange duffle bags.
One bag is labeled our "HOLD" bag and will be sent to McMurdo as part of the
cargo with our own personal bag. The other duffle is labeled "CARRY ON" and
will be carried with us onto the cargo plane and stored under our seat. The
only additional baggage you are allowed is a lap top computer. Some of the
scientists have "EXCESS BAGGAGE" such as special equipment that can also be
sent as part of the cargo. When I was finished re-packing everything, it
didn't look like much gear. Hard to believe this is all I get for about 2
While in the changing room, I met women from all over the United States who
are going to Antarctica...many of these women had been before. Most were
going as part of ASA (Antarctic Support Associates) and would be working at
various support jobs either in McMurdo or at South Pole Station. It takes a
lot of people to run a small town like McMurdo or a base like the one at the
South Pole. Just think of all of the people it takes to run a small town
where you live. It's really not much different in Antarctica.
I was able to go back into the warehouse and take photos of ALL of the
clothing that is stored there. It was amazing to see red parkas and orange
duffle bags everywhere, along with rows and rows of fleece jackets, and
bunny boots. There were also tons of boxes of new gear stored upstairs. I
can't imagine how much all of this costs! When I got back to the changing
room, the women from today's flight to McMurdo were coming BACK in with all
of their gear...the plane flight was cancelled. This group has not had good
luck. They have made two other attempts already, but at least today they
didn't have to sit on the plane. Still, each time this happens they get up
VERY early, get dressed in all of their cold weather gear, go through the
lengthy check-in process, and then spend LOTS of time waiting around. They
did not look happy.
I did meet a woman, Rosie, from the CRP (Cape Roberts Project) and she
introduced me to Gary Wilson, who I will be working with in McMurdo. We had
lunch together and then I dashed off to visit a local school and give a
presentation. I drove to Kaiapoi North School, about 20 minutes from
Christchurch. I was greeted there by the Principal, Mr. Alan McCabe and one
of the teachers, Nicki Hudson. What a friendly place...I met so many
teachers and others working at the school. All of them made me feel VERY
welcome. I spoke with about 60 students and had a super visit. I was able
to show them the gear, too, which really gives people an idea of the type of
weather we are up against. After the presentation I spent quite awhile
visiting with teachers and Mr. McCabe. I got the grand tour of the school,
and I must say that I really enjoyed myself. I hope that I can visit again
on my way back through Christchurch.
I spent part of this evening walking around downtown Christchurch...a really
nice city. It's called the "Garden City" and I can see why. Since it's
spring here, there are beautiful flowers everywhere. Everything is really
keep up nicely and it's very clean. I enjoyed the chance to walk around in
a light jacket...something I won't be doing for awhile.
Our flight to McMurdo was supposed to be tomorrow, but when I got back to my
hotel I found out that my stay had been extended until Friday. We are
currently on a "Standby" status for a flight on Friday, but that depends on
what happens with flights in the next two days. Meanwhile, I'm going to
make the most of my time here in New Zealand. Talk with you tomorrow!
Betty :)

Mike...he's in charge of the CDC and gave us an introduction to the process of getting our ECW gear.

Some of our ECW gear...

This photo shows more of the ECW gear....notice the footwear!

As we tried on all of our ECW gear, we could exchange anything that didn't fit properly at the "clothing exchange counter." Once we arrive in McMurdo...if something doesn't fit right, we won't be able to exchange it.

These three bags (2 orange and 1 black) represent all of what I will be taking with me to McMurdo. The only other item I can bring is my laptop computer. Hard to believe this is all I will have with me for the next 6-7 weeks.

I got the opportunity to go back into the warehouse at the CDC and I couldn't believe how many read coats and other items of clothing were stored there.

Just look at all of those fleece jackets!

When I visited the students at Kaiapoi North School, I dressed one of the students up in my ECW gear.
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