29 October, 1998
Thursday, October 29th, 1998
Hello from McMurdo Station, Antarctica! I can't believe it...today was one of
the MOST EXCITING days of my whole life. I don't know where to start...so get
I didn't sleep very well, just had a feeling that we would be flying today. I
was out of bed like a shot from a cannon when the alarm rang at 3:50 AM. As
it turned out I didn't need my hotel wake-up call as a back-up...I was wide
awake. I threw on my clothes and drove in the rain over to the CDC building
near the airport. I was a little early (excited or what?) and waiting in my
rental car until the place opened. As all of today's passengers for the
flight arrived, they filed into the dressing rooms and began the process of
layering up in their ECW (extreme cold weather) gear. I carefully re-packed
what I didn't need into my large backpack~~for storage at the CDC until my
return to Christchurch in December.
I made sure that I had the necessary required items either on me or in my
orange duffle I'd carry on the plane. The next step was to haul, drag, or
otherwise carry ALL of my bags to the building next door for check-in. This
was no small feat...my huge black duffle (even though it had wheels) was very
heavy. I received a boarding pass on a chain that I had to hang around my
neck. I had to put both check-through bags (the huge balck one and one orange
duffle) on a large scale and they checked to see that I wasn't over the
baggage weight limit of 70 pounds. I was, but I think everyone else was, too.
Next, I had to stand on the scale holding my other orange duffle and my
computer case. They add all of the weight together because it is VERY
important to know how much weight the plane is carrying. It helps them
determine how much cargo can be loaded on the plane, too.
I had some waiting time now, so I went over to the Antarctic Centre to the 60
Degrees South restaurant and had a small bite of breakfast. I didn't want to
eat too much...I had heard horror stories about the bathroom on board the
airplane. When I was walking over I met a man who was at the check-in along
with a bunch of tv camera men and reporters. He informed me that this was a
special day, because Peter Hillary would be on board our plane. Let me
explain to you that his father is Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man to reach
the top of Mt. Everest. He had a sherpa named Tenzing Norgay (I think I
spelled that right) with him on this climb. He is a very famous mountaineer
and explorer. Peter Hillary, along with two other men are starting a journey
across Antarctica to the South Pole and back...I will tell you more about that
tomorrow, because this journal entry is going to be a long one. :) Stay
Reporting time back at the CDC was 6:05 AM. At that time Air Force officials
talked about safety and today's flight, and we were required to watch a video
on Antarctica and weather conditions. I had already seen this video at our
TEA orientation in Washington, D.C. back in May...but I was very glad to see
it again. The information passed along is very important to making your stay
in Antarctica a safe one. Before too long we were in line, having our bags x-
rayed and passing through a security check just like a regular airport.
Everyone boarded shuttle buses that took us from the CDC, across the street to
the airport. We passed through several chain-link security gates and soon we
parked right by the C-141 Starlifter cargo plane.
I knew these planes were big, but I'd never been this close to one. It is
absolutely HUGE! The engines were gigantic, and the wings slope downward,
unlike the Hercules planes I told you about the other day, which have wings
that stick out straight. As people got in line to board the plane...men went
first. This was because their bathroom was in the back of the plane. Women,
(and there were not many of us), boarded last. I had heard from a new
Antarctic scientist buddy, Rosie, that if you were the last one to board the
plane, you got more room. (You were also closer to the bathroom in the front
of the plane). I made sure I was the last person on that plane. Rosie was
correct...I had no one sitting next to me on one side, and no one directly
across from me. I could stretch out my legs during the whole flight. It was
also easy for me to get up and stretch, since I didn't have to climb over
anyone to do so!
The plane had a minor problem that needed adjusting and we sat for two hours
before they informed us that we needed to buckle up and get ready for take
off. Although this seems like a long time, it went pretty fast...I was very
excited! At last they started the engines. We all put in our ear plugs that
were handed out at check-in (some people brought along fancier ones~~more like
headphones pilots wear). The plane had to taxi over to a nearby runway and
wait for clearance. We were still for a few minutes and all of a sudden we
started to move...quickly...very quickly...and we were taking off! Yikes! It
was the most incredible feeling!
Since everyone was sitting on bench-type seats, with webbing for seat backs,
we all leaned a bit as the plane took off. I have some pictures that may give
you a little better idea of how we were sitting. I wish I could draw you a
diagram of the inside of the plane. No frills on this monster...bare walls,
wires and pipes visible, cargo on pallets in the back of the seating area, dim
lighting, sack lunches. First class it was NOT, but exciting it WAS!
Soon we were at cruising altitude and were able to unbuckle our seat belts and
move around a bit. People got up to stretch, while others read, slept, or ate
their sack lunch. You couldn't really have much of a conversation, since it
was loud and everyone had their ear plugs in. The trip took about 5 hours. As
we approached McMurdo and the huge white continent, I was able to go up into
the cockpit of the plane and take some photos. It was so bright...I couldn't
believe the views below me of snow and ice, and mountains. AWESOME!
Up in the cockpit there were 9 people working. It was a small area for 9
people, but each person had their own little niche or work space. Back down
on the main deck, I had the chance to speak with Rick, the Air Force Sgt.
(from Travis Air Force Base in California) who was in charge of keeping track
of the in-flight weather conditions at McMurdo. He assured me that we WERE
going to land, not turn around. The weather in McMurdo was sunny, clear, and
cold...a little above zero degrees F. It was a beautiful day in Antarctica!
The landing was very smooth, but we did bump a bit. Rick said that was
because the sea ice gave way to the heavy weight of the cargo plane and it
seemed like we were bumping down. We kept going quite awhile before the
airplane finally came to a halt. It took a few minutes for them to secure the
plane and allow us to get off. As the hatch was opened and the stairs brought
down, the cool air streamed in and the bright light of the sunny Antarctic day
came pouring in. I couldn't believe I was finally going to set foot on the
coldest, windiest, driest, and highest continent in the world! So many months
of planning and anticipation for me. Wow!
"Ivan~~the Terra Bus" , a huge snowcat/bus was waiting nearby. It held over
50 passengers and it moved us from the ice runway to the town of
McMurdo...about 2 miles away. Within minutes we were in McMurdo and herded
into the galley (where we eat our meals) for a short arrival briefing. We
were given some instructions and I was very happy to turn around and see Gary
Wilson, who had come to meet me.
I got my dormitory room assignment and moved my orange duffle and computer
over to my new home. Our other luggage would be brought to town a couple of
hours later after they unloaded the cargo pallets from the Starlifter. For
now, I was happy to change into some light-weight clothing and get rid of my
full ECW gear that we were required to wear on the plane.
Gary took me over to Crary Lab, where we will be working, and gave me a tour
of the place. It's a very sophisticated lab for such a remote place. It is
well-equipped and a very modern facility. It was completed in 1991, so it is
pretty new compared to some of the buildings in town. I will tell you more
about the lab in another journal entry as well...I still have more to tell
about my day!
I was introduced to many new people...I can not remember their names, at least
not yet. Gary and I picked up my other luggage and brought that over to my
dorm room. I was finally able to change out of my "bunny boots" and into
tennis shoes. That felt great! I had had the bunny boots on since 5:00 AM
and I was tired of those heavy things. Gary and I walked over to the galley
for dinner. It is just a short walk from the dorm, or Crary Lab. Meals are
served in a cafeteria here...and there are a several choices for main dishes,
salads, vegetables, and desserts. I probably will talk more about the meals
and food preparation as time goes on. So far, so good, though.
Gary and colleagues (who are now my colleagues on the Cape Roberts Project)
were going on a hike up Observation Hill at around 8:00 PM. This volcanic
cone, (it's a little bigger than a hill you guys!) is at the edge of McMurdo.
We hiked up (and up and UP) over snow, ice, and loose rock until we reached
the top. It's about 230 meters tall...and at the top you get a 360 degree
view of the surrounding McMurdo metropolitan area. Ha! It is all ice, snow,
mountains...very beautiful. We could see the TransAntarctic Mountains in one
direction, Scott Base (the Kiwi base) about two miles in the distance, the sea
ice and landing strip we came in on today, and got a terrific view of the
whole town of McMurdo. We could see Mt. Erebus (the world's southern-most
active volcano) Mt. Terra Nova, and Mt. Terror nearby. I just couldn't
believe I was at the top of an old vocano looking down on this indredible
landscape below me. This was quite a day!
Also at the top of the "hill" there was a wooden cross errected on January 20,
1913 to honor the five men that died on their way back from the South Pole:
Robert Scott, Laurence Oates, Edgar Evans, Edward Wilson, and Henry Bowers. I
will be talking a lot about Antarctic exploration later in my journals. Hard
to believe that this cross has been up there since 1913. It has been blown
over by storms at least a couple of times, but most recently was blown over in
1994. It is now set in a concrete base.
Getting down Observation Hill was more difficult than climbing it because of
slippery patches of snow/ice and loose volcanic rock. I really had to take my
time...I didn't want to get this far and get hurt. When we were close to the
bottom, some of us decided to slide down the snow/ice on our snowpants. It
was FUN! I love sledding, and this was close, just no sled involved. A great
end to a great hike!
I looked at my watch and it was 10:00 PM...broad daylight...seemed like
afternoon. I think it will be hard to get used to going to bed early here.
It doesn't seem like night time...my body will have to adjust. 24 hours of
daylight...who can tell me WHY that is happening right now in Antarctica?
Remember, too, that for those of you back home in Illinois on daylight savings
time...you are now 19 hours behind us...so if I'm writing you now at almost
12:00 midnight (which I am)...what time is it in Illinois? See if you figure
it out and I'll tell you tomorrow! Are we on the same day right now?
Thanks for sticking it out and reading this entire journal entry. It was a
marathon, but such a super day for me...one I will NEVER FORGET. I miss
family and friends and I wish they could all experience this with me...you can
in a way...if you follow the journals throughout my adventure. Talk to you
Betty :)

As we checked in, we got a boarding pass, similar to this one. Ours were yellow.

Fred Atwood (another one of the TEA teachers) and I were both very excited to finally be checking in and boarding the Starlifter cargo plane.

This shuttle bus took us from the CDC check-in area, to the Christchurch airport. Our cargo plane was in a special area, reserved for the planes traveling to/from Antarctica.

Waiting to board the cargo plane....

Peter Hillary

Boarding the C-141 Starlifter...

I know this is dark, but I wanted you to see the inside of the cargo plane. We wore ear plugs because of the noise of the engines, and most people slept, read, or ate their sack lunch during the flight.

This was my very first glimpse of Antarctica. I simply could not believe we were going to land there!
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