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Ice Core Secrets data | hook | main | background & resources | student Background Why do scientists take ice cores and what do they learn from them? Go to ../../tea_meetteachers.html ("Meet the Teachers" link) for Sandra Kolb's, Marjorie Porter's and Sandra Shutey's journals and photos of ice core fieldwork in sea, lake and glacial ice, respectively. Sandra Kolb (sea ice): ../../tea_kolbfrontpage.html
7 May 2000: Determining Ice Strength 9 May 2000: Multi-year Ice and Progress 11 May 2000: Level Ice Trials 13 May 2000: Saturday Notes 18 May 2000: Ice Trial Reports Sandra Shutey (glacial ice): ../../tea_shuteyfrontpage.html Investigate http://www.marine.usf.edu/icestory2000/overview/overview.htm Investigate ../../ for ice related research, photos and resources. Photos:
John Gagnon and Chris Meadus using an ice corer on an Arctic ice floe in Davis Strait.
Removing the ice core from the corer.
Measuring the ice core. Measurements are taken in centimeters.
Drilling holes every 10 cm for placing the temperature probe and taking temperature readings.
Slicing the ice core into 10 cm sections.
Weighing each 10 cm section for documenting the ice weight.
The rectangular slice shows a vertical thin section of Arctic sea ice from a depth of about 85 cm. It shows the columnar nature of sea ice. The semi-circle slice shows a horizontal thin section of Arctic sea ice from a depth of 85 cm. Resources and Reference Materials A joint library database from the Department of Eskimology, the Danish Polar Center, and the Arctic Institute: http://pingo.kb.dk:4505/ALEPH/SESSION-459439/start/DPC01 Websites For interactions with the polar teachers: ../../tea_meetteachers.html For polar resources: ../../tea_sitesfront.html http://www.marine.usf.edu/icestory2000/overview/overview.htm Good for students: http://southport.jpl.nasa.gov/polar/iceinfo.html http://www.antcrc.utas.edu.au/aspect/index.html http://www.secretsoftheice.org Links to Polar Project Principal Investigators: http://www.crrel.usace.army.mil
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