Michele Adams (2001/2002)
Musselman Middle School, Bunker Hill, West Virginia
Forming Ocean Crust at Gakkel Ridge with Dr. Peter Michael
Myrtle Brijbasi (1998/1999)
Suitland High School, Forestville, Maryland
River Otters & Oil Contamination with Dr. Merav Ben-David
David E. Brown (2003/2004)
St. Peter School, Quincy, Illinois
Arctic Environmental Observatory with Lee W. Cooper & Jacqueline M. Grebmeier
Tim Buckley (1998/1999)
Barrow High School, Barrow, Alaska
Chemical & Biological Analyses of Arctic Pack Ice with Dr. Deb Meese
Betty Carvellas (2002/2003)
Essex High School, Essex Junction, Vermont
The Shelf-Basin Initiative (SBI) with Dr. Jackie Grebmeier
April Cheuvront (2002/2003)
Table Rock Middle School, Morganton, North Carolina
Snow, Weather, and Shrubs--Pathways of Change in the Arctic with Matthew Sturm
Timothy Conner (1998/1999)
Chenango Forks Central School, Chenango Forks, New York
Archaeologic Dig in Deering, Alaska with Dr. Glenn Sheehan
Kathy Couchon (2003/2004 Armada Project)
Narragansett Pier Middle School, Rhode Island
Integrated Ocean Drilling Project's Arctuc Coring Expedition
Besse Dawson (2000/2001)
Pearland High School, Pearland, Texas
Seasonal Differences in Air - Snow Chemical
Summit, Greenland with Dr. Jack Dibb
Christine Donovan (2001/2002)
Desert View High School, Tucson, Arizona
Regional Variability in Carbon and Energy Fluxes: Toward Global Synthesis with Dr. Walt Oechel
Ethan Forbes (2001/2002)
Butterfield School, Orange, Massachusetts
Late Prehistoric Cultural Dynamics and the Subsistence Parameters of Whaling at Wales, Alaska with Dr. Roger K. Harritt
Amie K. Foster (2003/2004)
Simmons Middle School, Aurora, Illinois
Investigating Change in the Nearshore Kotzebue Sound Ecosystem with Lisa Clough, Ph.D., Jeffrey Johnson, Ph.D. and David Griffith, Ph.D.
Dena Gershon (2001/2002)
Lanai Road School, North Hollywood, California
Change and Its Impact on Culture, Economy and Identity in Three North Bering Strait Slaskan Inupiat Societies with Dr. Carol Zane Jolles
Marvin Giesting (2000/2001)
Connersville High School, Connersville, Indiana
Dye Tracer Study of the Matanuska Glacier Subglacial Hydrologic System
Matanuska Glacier, Alaska with Dr. Edward Evenson, Lehigh University
Shannon Graham (2002/2003)
Washington School for the Deaf, Vancouver, Washington
Measurement and Modeling of the Variability of Lake Ice Growth and Decay in Alaska
with Dr. Martin O. Jeffries, PhD and Kim Morris
Kim Hanisch (2002/2003)
Ogallala High School, Ogallala, Nebraska
Breeding Biology of King Eiders (Somateria spectabilis)and Other Birds in the Vicinity of Teshekpuk Lake with Robert Suydam
Ron Hochstrasser (2002/2003)
Sycamore Community High School, Cincinnati, Ohio
Insect Adaptation to Polar Climate with Dr. Jack Duman and Dr. Brian Barnes
Michele Hauschulz (1999/2000)
Waianae High School, Waianae, Hawaii
Breeding Biology of Steller's Eiders in Barrow, Alaska with Dr. Robert Suydam
Todd Hindman (2000/2001)
Anvil City Science Academy, Nome, Alaska
Mooring and Coring - Scientific Testing on the Icebreaker USCGC Healy
U.S.C.G Healy with Dr. Lisa Clough and Dr. Larry Lawver
Chuck Kim (1996/1997)
Cherry Hill High School East, Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Antenna Array Installation for Monitoring Atmospheric Changes in Greenland
with Dr. Denise Thorsen
Susan Klinkhammer (2000/2001)
Lincoln School, Corvallis, Oregon
Sea Ice Trials aboard the U.S. Coast Guard ice breaker Healy
U.S.C.G Healy with Dr. Kelly Falkner
Catherine Koehler (2000/2001)
Manchester High School, Manchester, Connecticut
Greenland with Konrad Steffen, University of Colorado at Boulder
Sandra Kolb (2000/2001)
Educational Consultant, Poulsbo, Washington
Icebreaking performance of the USCGC Healy
Terry Tucker, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
Terry Lashley (1997/1998)
Exploring Arctic Aquatic Ecosystems at Toolik Field Station, Alaska
with Dr. John Hobbie
Lars Long (2003/2004)
DeLong Middle School, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Greenland's Ice Sheet: Tales of the Past and a Look into the Future with Joe McConnell
Scott McComb (2001/2002 and 2004)
Franklin Alternative Middle School, Columbus, Ohio
Using Seismic Reflection and Ground-Penetrating Radar to Examine Shallow Stratigraphy of the Matanuska Glacier, Alaska with Dr. Greg Baker (2001/2002)
Study pollutants in Arctic freshwater systems with Yu-Ping Chin from The Ohio State University.(2004)
Dora Gilmore Nelson (2003/2004)
Carolina Day School, Asheville, North Carolina
HARC - Human Dimensions of Arctic Systems with Amanda Lynch
John Nevins (1997/1998)
Crandon High School, Crandon, Wisconsin
The Active Layer in the Arctic Tundra - Possible Implications for Global Warming: Kuparuk River Basin with Dr. Fritz Nelson
Marge Porter (1994/1995)
Somers High School, Somers Connecticut
Lake Ice Formation and Heat Flux with Dr. Martin Jefferies
Donald Rogers (1998/1999)
Rogers High School, Spokane, Washington
Influence of Arctic Tundra on the Atmosphere with Dr. Fritz Nelson
James Rogers (2003/2004)
Polson High, Polson, Montana
CTD/Hydrographic and Underway Service Measurements for the Shelf-Basin Interactions Phase II Field Project with Dr. James Swift
Janice Rosenberg (2000/2001)
Wellington School, Belmont, Massachusetts
Sea Ice Trials aboard the U.S. Coast Guard ice breaker Healy
U.S.C.G Healy with Dr. Kelly Falkner
Dena Rosenberger (2001/2002)
El Capitan High School, Lakeside, California
Sources of Parcticles Over the Arctic Ocean and their Climactic Relevance with Dr. Patricia Matrai
Jay Schauer (2000/2001)
Wilsonville High School, Wilsonville, Oregon
Mooring and Coring - Scientific Testing on the Icebreaker USCGC Healy
U.S.C.G Healy with Dr. Lisa Clough and Dr. Larry Lawver
Robert Schlichting (1999/2000)
Vancouver School of Arts and Academics, Vancouver, Washington
Outbursts Flood from an Ice-Dammed Lake at Kennicott Glacier with Dr. Andrew Fountain (1999/2000)
Investigation of Englacial Condiut Formation and Evolution with Dr. Andrew Fountain (2001)
Kathie Stevens (2001/2002)
Farragut Primary School, Knoxville, Tennessee
Hydrographic Change and Effects on Bivalve Communities and Top Avian Consumers in the Bering Sea with Dr. Jackie M. Grebmeier, Dr. Lee Cooper and Dr. Jim Lovvorn
Dallas Trople (2002/2003)
Sedro-Woolley High Schoo,Sedro-Woolley, Washington
Seismic Study using Ground Penetrating Radarwith Dr. Greg Baker
Elizabeth Youngman (2001/2002)
Phoenix Country Day School, Paradise Valley, AZ
Snowpack and Atmospheric Photochemistry with Dr. Roger Bales
Anne Zellinger (1999/2000 and 2000/2001)
Kahuku High and Intermediate School, Kahuku, Hawaii
Peter Amati (1992, 1999)
Holliston High School, Massachusetts
Sea Ice Investigations in Weddell Sea Aboard R/V N.B. Palmer with Dr. Tony Gow
A Cold Desert Ecosystem Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) McMudro Dry Valleys with Dr. W. Berry Lyons
Frederick Atwood (1998/1999)
Flint Hill School, Oakton, Virginia
Antifreeze in Antarctic Fish with Dr. David Petzel
Lori Bachle(1998/1999)
Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska
Antifreeze in Antarctic Fish with Dr. David Petzel
Shawn Beightol (1998/1999)
Turner Technical Arts High School, Miami, Florida
Exploring Deep Sea Ridges in Bransfield Basin with Dr. Klinkhammer
Carole Bennett (1996/1997)
Gaither High School, Florida
Measuring Snow Accumulation and Change on the Ross Ice Shelf with Dr. David Braaten
Elke Bergholz (1998/1999)
United Nations International School, New York, New York
Monitoring Climate Change at South Pole Station with Dr. David Hoffman
Sue Bowman (1998/1999)
Lebanon High School, Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Antarctic Astrophysics - Program AMANDA at South Pole Station with Dr. Buford Price
Colleen B. Brogenski (2003/2004)
St. John's School, Houston, Texas
Mt. Erebus with Dr. Philip Kyle
Margaret Brumsted (1996/1997)
Dartmouth High School, Rhode Island
Ozone and the Impact of Ultraviolet Radiation on Phytoplankton in the Antarctic Peninsula Region aboard R/V Polar Duke with Dr. Wade Jeffrey
Andy Caldwell (2002/2003)
Douglas County High School , Castle Rock, Colorado
Antarctic Search for Meteorites with Dr. Ralph Harvey and Dr. Nancy Chabot
Marietta Cleckley (2001/2002)
Uniondale High School, Uniondale, New York
Spatial and Temporal Scales of Human Disturbance - McMurdo Station, Antarctica with Dr. Mahlon C. Kennicutt
Susan Cowles (2001/2002)
Linn-Benton Community College, Albany, Oregon
Long-Term Ecological Research Project at Palmer Station, Antarctic Penisula with Dr. Hugh Ducklow and Dr. Rebecca Dickhut
Jennifer Curtis (2001/2002)
Shoultes Elementary School, Marysville, WA
TransAntarctic Mountains SEISmic Experiement (TAMSEIS), a broadband seismic experiment to investigate deep continental structure across the East-West Antarctic boundary with Dr. Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Dr. Andrew Nyblade and Dr. Douglas Wiens
Besse Dawson (1997/1998 and 2000/2001)
Pearland High School, Pearland, Texas
Exploring the Critical Role of Bacterioplankton in the Ecosystem of the
Antarctica Ocean aboard the R/V L. Gould with Dr. David Karl
John Deaton (2003/2004)
Raytheon Polar Services, McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Mary Ann DeMello (2002/2003)
John W. Rogers Middle School, Rockland, Massachusetts
Millennial Scale Fluctuation of Dry Valley Lakes: A Test of Regional Climate Variability and the Interhemispheric (A) Synchrony with Dr. Brenda Hall
Elissa Elliott (1998/1999)
Mayo High School, Rochester, Minnesota
Dry Valleys with Dr. Christian Fritsen
Susy Ellison (2003/2004)
Yampah Mountain High School, Glenwood Springs, Colorado
Robin Ellwood (2003/2004)
Rye Junior High School, Rye, New Hampshire
The McMurdo Dry Valleys Long-term Ecological Research (LTER) Project with Peter Doran
Fred Fotsch (2001/2002)
Glendale High School, Springfield Missouri
Astronomy at the South Pole with Dr. Al Harper and Dr. Jim Swietzer
Jan French (2001/2002)
Cincinnati Country Day School, Cincinnati, Ohio
International Trans-Antarctic Seintific Expedition (ITASE) with Dr. Paul Mayewski and Dr. Gordon Hamilton
Tom Geelan (1997/1998)
Buffalo, New York
Antarctic Echinoderm Development - Survival Through the Long, Dark Winter with Dr. Donal Manahan
Elizabeth Gibbs (2003/2004 Armada Project)
Thompson Middle School, Newport, Rhode Island
Kim Giesting (1997/1998)
Connersville High School, Connersville, Indiana
Growth of the Antarctic Ice Sheet During the Last Ice Age - Clues to the
Future? Investigation from the R/V N.B. Palmer with Dr. John Anderson
Sharon Harris (1999/2000)
Mother of Mercy High School, Cincinnati, Ohio
Control of Denitrification in a Permanently Ice Covered Antarctic Dry
Valleys Lake with Dr. Bess Ward
Jerrilynn Hollyfield (2002/2003)
McElwain Elementary School, Birmingham, Alabama
Chemical Ecology of Shallow Water Marine Macroalgae & Invertabrates on the Antarctic Peninsula with Dr. Charles Amsler and Dr. James McClintock
Joanna Hubbard (1999/2000)
Hanshew Middle School, Anchorage, Alaska
Chemical Ecology of Shallow-water Marine Algae and Invertebrates
Antarctic Peninsula, Palmer Station with Dr. Chuck Amsler
Louise Huffman (2002/2003)
Kennedy Junior High School, Naperville, Illinois
Ecological Processes in a Cold Desert Ecosystem: The Abundance and Species Distribution of Algal Mats in Glacial Meltwater Streams in Taylor Valley, Antarctica with
Dr. Diane McKnight and Dr. Daryl Moorhead
Paul Jones (2000/2001)
Montezuma Community Schools, Montezuma, Iowa
Monitoring Meltwater Stream Flow Changes
and How They Influence the Dry Valleys' Ecosystem with Dr. Berry Lyons
Richard Jones (2000/2001)
Billings Senior High School, Billings, Montana
Climate Processes Involving Longwave Radiation with
Dr. Steve Warren (University of Washington) and Dr. Von Walden (University of Idaho)
Tina King (2001/2002)
West Elementary School, Mt. Juliet, Tennessee
Seasonal Dynamics of Giant Agglutinated Foraminifera with Dr. Samuel S. Bower
Sandi Kolb
Communications Operator at South Pole Station
Kolene Krysl (2000/2001)
Millard Central Middle School, Omaha, Nebraska
Weddell Seal Colonies with Dr. Donald Siniff (University of Minnesota)
Michael Lampert (2003/2004)
West Salem High School, Salem, Oregon
Measurements addressing quantitative ozone loss, polar stratospheric cloud nucleation, and large polar stratospheric parcticles
Kevin Lavigne (2000/2001)
Hanover High School, Hanover, New Hampshire
Long Term Ecological Research Project with Dr. Ross Virginia (Dartmouth College)
Karina Leppik (2000/2001)
Choate-Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, Connecticut
Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope / Remote
Observatory (AST/RO) with Dr. Chris Martin with Dr. Anthony Stark (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Jessica McNair (1996/1997)
Impact of Changes in the Polar Climate System on Marine Productivity aboard
the R/V N.B. Palmer in Ross Sea with Dr. Amy Leventer
Jessica joined us as a "volunteer" to the
TEA program
Eric Muhs (2002/2003)
Roosevelt High School ,Seattle, Washington
Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array with Dr. Robert Morse
George Palo (1995/1996)
Gig Harbor High School, Gig Harbor, Washington
Oceanography Investigations Aboard the R/V Polar Duke
Jean Pennycook (1999/2000)
Bullard High School, Fresno, California
Gas Collection and Analysis at the Summit of the Active Volcano Mt. Erebus with Dr. Philip Kyle
Mats Pettersson (2001/2002)
Angeredsgymnasiet, Goteborg, Sweden
Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA)
Teacher with The Swedish Polar Secretariat
Jason Petula (2001/2002)
Tunkhannock Area High School, Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania
Antarctic Muon and Neutrino Detector Array (AMANDA) with Dr. Robert Morse
Bill Philips (1996)
Dover High School, Dover, Delaware
Exploring How Sheets of Magma May Form - Implications for Earth History
from the Dry Valleys with Dr. Bruce Marsh
Marge Porter (1994/1995)
Woodstock Academy, Connecticut
Antarctic Sea Ice Investigations with Dr. Martin Jefferies
Larry Reynolds (2000/2001)
Liberty High School, Blue Hill, Maine
Glacial History of the Amundsen Sea Shelf with Dr. Thomas
Kellogg (University of Maine)
Catherine Roberts (1999/2000)
W.E. Waters Middle School, Portsmouth, Virginia
Investigating the Impact of Phytoplankton Blooms on Seafloor Ecosystems
from the R/V Gould with Dr. Craig Smith
Juanita Ryan (2001/2002)
Toyon Elementary School, San Jose, California
Antarctic Search for Meteorites with Dr. Ralph P. Harvey
Andrew L. Sajor (2003/2004)
Peru Central School, Peru, New York
Barb Schulz (1999, 2002/2003)
BioLab, Seattle, Washington
Long-Term Ecological Research of Lake Communities in the Dry Valleys with Dr. Robert Wharton
Sandra Shutey (1997/1998)
Butte High School, Butte Montana
Ice Core Drilling at Siple Dome with Dr. Mary Albert
Wendy Slijk (2000/2001)
La Costa Canyon High School, Carlsbad, California
Glacial History of Prydz Bay, with Dr. Amy Leventer (Colgate University)
Valerie Sloane (1999/2000)
Orcas Island Elementary School, Eastsound, Washington
Sulfur Sources for Salty Lakes in the Dry Valleys with Dr. John Priscu
Bruce Smith (1999/2000)
Appleton North High School, Appleton, Wisconsin
Investigating Past Climates through Palynology of the Cape
Roberts Drill Cores with Dr. John Wrenn
Tom Spencer (1994/1995)
Center for Science and Technology
Chesapeake Public Schools, Virginia
Tracing Antarctic Muons And Neutrinos with AMANDA at Amundsen Scott Station
Steven Stevenoski (1995/1996)
Lincoln High School, Wisconsin
Exploring the Tectonic Development of the Antarctic Peninsula Region aboard
the R/V N.B. Palmer with Dr. Larry Lawver and Dr. Gary Klinkhammer
Jennifer Stewart (1996/1997)
Student, University of New England, Armidale, Australia
Measuring Snow Accumulation and Changes on the
Ross Ice Shelf with Dr. David Braaten
Amy Stoyles (2003/2004)
Harllee Middle School, Bradenton, Florida
Yeast in the Antarctic Dry Valleys: Biological role, distribution and evolution with Dr. Laurie Connell
William Swanson (2000/2001)
Montwood High School, El Paso, Texas
Long-Term Ecological Research Project with Dr. Raymond Smith, University of California at Santa Barbara
Dom Tedeschi (1997/1998)
Norwich Free Academy, Connecticut
Chemical Defenses of Antarctic Marine Invertebrates with Bill Baker and Jim McClintock
Rolf Tremblay (2000/2001)
Goodman Middle School, Gig Harbor, Washington
Ice Borehole Temperature Measurements with Dr. Gary
Clow (U.S. Geological Survey), Robert Hawley (University of Washington), and Dr. Ed Waddington (University of Washington)
Betty Trummel (1998/1999)
Husmann Elementary, Crystal Lake, Illinois
Magnetic Properties of Sediment: Antarctica's Glacial History through the
Cape Roberts Project with Dr. Kenneth Verosub
Hillary Tulley (1998/1999)
Niles North High School, Skokie, Illinois
Antarctic Glacial History from the Dry Valleys with Dr. George Denton
Tim Vermaat (2001/2001)
Chenango Forks Central School, Binghamton, New York
Mt. Erebus Volcano Observatory and McMurdo Station with Dr. Phillip R. Kyle
Mimi Wallace (1999/2000)
Montwood High School, El Paso, Texas
Long-term Ecological Monitoring at Palmer Station on the Antarctic Peninsula with Karen Baker
Send mail to Mimi at mwallace@socorro.k12.tx.us
Michael Weiss (2002/2003)
Yarmouth High School, Yarmouth, Maine
The Ferrar magmatic-system, Dry Valleys, Antarctica with
Dr. Bruce D. Marsh
Andre Wille (1999/2000)
Basalt High School, Basalt, Colorado
Size and colony distribution of Adelie penguins on Ross Island with Dr. David Ainley
Linda Wygoda (1995/1996)
Sam Houston High School, Louisiana
Investigating Ozone Through the Infrared Spectrum of the Atmosphere at
Amundsen Scott Station with Dr. Frank J Murcray
Glenn Zwanzig (1998/1999)
DuPont Manual High School, Louisville, Kentucky
Antifreeze in Antarctic Fish with Dr. David Petzel