10 October, 1999
I leave today for New Zealand. I have finished my classes at North High
school and turned them over to Cary Anderson who will be teaching them
in my absence. Cary is an experienced, dedicated teacher and I know my
students will be in good hands, but I still worry about them. I have my
tickets and have packed this weekend. I have gathered much of the
equipment I think I will need. I am taking a laptop computer to help me
with the writing and lots of storage disks. I am bringing 4 cameras
along (3 conventional 35mm cameras and a digital camera. I have enough
film to take about 850 pictures. That along with the digital images I
hope will be sufficient. I am also taking 100% UV protection sunglasses
to protect my eyes from the glare of the snow. Also, because of the
thinning of the ozone layer at the South Polar region the UV radiation
reaching the surface will be higher. I am also bringing high PDF
sunscreen to protect my skin from the UV. It seems weird to be bringing
sunscreen to Antarctica.
As far as clothes, I will be provided with most, if not all, of the
extreme cold weather (ECW) gear when I arrive at the Clothing
Distribution Center in Christchurch, New Zealand. I am allotted 70
pounds of luggage for the flight from Christchurch to McMurdo Station in
Antarctica. About 35 pounds of that, I am informed, will be taken by the
cold weather gear. So, I have a limit of about 35 pounds of clothes and
other stuff to take out on the ice. I also have to bring clothes for New
Zealand as I will be there for several days before my flight to McMurdo
and for several days on my return. I have been told the weather will be
a bit cool in New Zealand on the way in, but very warm and pleasant on
the way back. I just checked the weather reports from Christchurch and
the temperature is currently 48oF (9oC) and raining. They are
experiencing spring-like weather there. The temperature at McMurdo is
presently 3oF (-16oC) so I will need quite a range of clothing and
outerwear. I will be leaving a bag in Christchurch with anything I can’t
take to McMurdo.
I have said goodbye to my friends and family in Appleton. I will miss
them and will look forward to seeing them in December. I will continue
to keep in touch with them via e-mail. When I left North High School, my
colleagues there had a send off party for me. They decorated the staff
room with a tent and lots’ of cold weather gear. Many of the teachers
wore winter hats and clothing. My desk was made to look like a glacier
with mounds of toilet paper. Below are some pictures of the festivities.
My next journal entry should be from Christchurch. I will be able to
tell you about the trip across the Pacific Ocean and the International
dateline. The time difference between Appleton and New Zealand is 18
hours. When it is 7:00AM Sunday Central Daylight Time it is 1:00AM
Monday New Zealand Daylight Time. For an excellent website to determine
time anywhere in the world, check out http://www.bsdi.com/date?. Talk to
you later from the land of the Kiwis!

My going away party at North High School. They are teaching me how to "ice fish". See I caught one!

My friends help me get ready for Antarctica by making my desk look like a glacier.
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