2 October, 1999
One week! One week and I will be leaving for perhaps my greatest
adventure. Antarctica! I have been anticipating this for so long that it
does not even seem real. But here it is. On Sunday, October 10th, I
will leave Appleton, Wisconsin, fly though Chicago to Los Angeles. I
will leave Los Angeles about 10:30PM (Pacific Time) and arrive in
Auckland New Zealand on the morning of Tuesday, October 12th (my
birthday!) What happened to the 11th? Someone asked me the other day
"Are you ready for your trip to Antarctica?" I thought, how could you
really be ready for such a trip? I will be gone for 8 weeks to an
environment, which is about as different from my everyday life as can
be. I think I'm prepared. I have read a lot about Antarctica. I have
tried to learn as much as I could about the conditions there, the
animals, the geology and most importantly, the life at McMurdo Station,
the base where I will be spending most of my time. Several books have
been parcticularly helpful. The Lonely Planet Guide to Antarctica by Jeff
Rubin provided some insights and practical information about getting to
and living in Antarctica. This book seems to be primarily written for
tourists traveling with the several tour companies who bring groups to
the southern continent. I found it most useful in providing information
about the travel through New Zealand and the life at McMurdo. I also
read a good novel entitled "Antarctica" by Kim Stanley Robinson. The
book was a science fiction piece about a time when the Antarctica Treaty
was about to expire. Robinson spent time in Antarctica as part of a NSF
Artist and Writers' Program. The book painted an interesting picture of
the social interaction of the people who live at the various research
bases. I will be interesting to compare this work of fiction with how
things really are. In short, I have tried to learn as much as I can
about Antarctica before I leave.
To prepare to be part of the Cape Robert’s Project science team, I
have read quite a bit of background on microfossils and, specifically
palynology. Dr. John Wrenn, the Principal Investigator for the project I
am involved in, has provided me with many arcticles on his specialty and
the processing of palynological samples. I traveled to Louisiana State
University at Baton Rouge this summer to receive some training in the
lab and to gain some experience in obtaining and processing samples. I
trained in the lab at the Center for Excellence in Palynology at LSU. We
spent some time at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON)
in Cocodrie, LA where we obtained sediments samples from various delta
and off shore locations. Below is a picture of one of our trips. Dr.
Wrenn and his graduate assistants did a great job teaching me what I
will need to know to contribute to the project. For more information
about the Cape Robert’s Project, check out this Webster:
http://www.newscientist.com/ns/970823/ndrilling.html and
http://esg.erim-int.com/CapeRoberts/. If you wish to learn more about
palynology, a good place to start would be this collection of palynology
sites: http://www.ualberta.ca/~abeaudoi/cap/links/websites.htm. The
LUMCON website is http://www.lumcon.edu/.
I have visited many classrooms to invite students to join me on the
trip by following along on the Internet. To date I have visited over 20
elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and colleges talking to
people about the trip. I have met over 3500 students and shared with
them my excitement about the journey. I hope many of them, and others,
follow along. Below is a picture taken during one of the many elementary
I haven't really started packing yet. I will post another journal
entry on the Saturday before I leave and let you know what I am taking
along on this adventure to the "Deep South". Talk to you then.

Inviting the students at Ferber Elementary School in Appleton to join me on my trip.

Dr. John Wrenn and myself using a box dredge to obtain samples off the coast of Louisiana.
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