6 October, 1996
We're getting pretty good at getting ready to deploy in the middle of the
night. We got up at 3:30 A.M. and again got a shuttle to the CDC. We dressed
in extreme cold weather gear and prepared to board the C141 Military
transport. All the scientists were lined up in a corridor with their duffel
bags. We waited until a drug dog arrived. His job was to sniff everyone's
gear to be certain no drugs were being transported to Antarctica. The dog
walked down the line stopping at each bag. It was an easy day for him, after
about 10 minutes he gave his blessings to the group.
We had to have all the gear we were taking to the ice weighed to insure
that we were under the 75 pound allotted limit. I was concerned because of
my computer and cameras. My cold weather gear used about 40 pounds of the
allotted weight and I knew my electronic gear weighed an additional 25
pounds. That only left 10 pounds for personal gear. I was over weight by
about ten pounds but two others from the team had less than their allotment.
I was able to keep everything I had packed. We were beginning to feel
positive that this would be the day we would leave for the ice. Our hopes
were shattered when an announcement was made that we were on hold for four
hours because of weather. Our group was dressed in weather gear designed to
protect them at -40o and we were stuck in a 50o room. We were dressed in two
pairs of long underwear, a fleece body suit, heavy wind pants, a down parka,
and expedition boots. Most people stripped to their fleece suits and fell
asleep on the floor. At 10:00 we learned that the weather at McMurdo was not
cooperating and we were given another 20-hour weather hold.
Tomorrow we'll start the same drill at 4:15 A.M. and hope for the best. In
the meantime were stuck in beautiful Christchurch during the beginning of
their spring season. New Zealand is about as far south of the Equator as New
England is north. Because of the tilt of the earth's axis, our fall season
coincides with their spring. All the flowers are in bloom and blossoms are
on the trees. In spite of the beauty all around us, the team is anxious to
get to the ice and start doing science. One of the challenges of doing
science in Antarctica is contending with all the variables over which we
have little control. I suspect we'll be working eighteen-hour days to make
up for lost time.

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