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Journals 2006/2007

Anna Hilton
Jennie Moore Elementary, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina

"Monitoring, Assessment, and Prediction of Tidal Creeks in the Southeast
Hollings Marine Laboratory, South Carolina
July 5, 2006 - August 18, 2006
Journal Index:
March 25 - 26
July 5 - 6 - 14 - 17 - 18 - 19-1 - 19-2 - 25
August 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 18

Additional Resources

July 14, 2006
One with the sonde

Guy had a full research crew for the trip to Sapelo Island so I did not go with them for the field sampling. Sapelo Island is a forested, barrier island with little development.

Sapelo Creek research crew

I was invited to Hollings Marine Laboratory to help Anne Blaire and Travis Washburn download the data collected by the sondes they had deployed in the creek at Sapelo Island. Travis had stayed late after they had returned from Sapelo Island to clean and prepare the sondes for the work we would do today. Upon retrieval from the water, the sonde's information is downloaded to a computer and specialized software is used to graph and interpret the data. Five sondes had been deployed on the Sapelo Island sampling trip. Travis and I connected each sonde in turn to the computer in the lab. We took turns reading and recorded the data from each sonde to another computer program designed by Anne for the Tidal Creeks Monitoring and Assessment Project.

I am connecting the sonde to the computer at HML.

Travis takes really good care of the sondes in the field and in the lab at Hollings. Anne joked that Travis was "one with the sonde!"

Travis is often called the Sonde Boy!

Travis reading and recording sonde data