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Journals 2008/2009

Maria Gomez
Dr. Theodore Alexander Science Center School, Los Angeles, California

"Sound Localization in Plainfin Midshipman Fish"
Bodega Bay Marine lab, Bodega Bay, California
July 17 - July 26, 2009
Journal Index:
July 17-18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22
       23 - 24 - 25 - 26

July 26, 2008
San Francisco

This morning we loaded up our things in the van and after breakfast we headed out to San Francisco. Since our flights were not scheduled until the afternoon, Dr. Sisneros offered to take us to the California Academy of Science. Daphne and I spent a lot of time in the Rainforest exhibit and then we visited the Pacific Ocean exhibit. We happened across a single midshipmen fish swimming in a small tank. After lunch we left for the airport and I headed back to New Mexico. I feel truly blessed to have had this opportunity. Dr. Sisneros and his team made me feel like an integral part of the team. They were so helpful and willing to share their knowledge about the midshipmen fish and their research. Dr. Sisneros seemed genuinely interested in my role as an elementary school educator. In many of our discussions he would always ask for my opinion on a variety of educational issues. This ARMADA Project experience was truly awesome!