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Journals 2004/2005

Leesa Wingo
South Anchorage High School, Anchorage Alaska

"Physical-biological coupling at frontal
zones in Glacier Bay National Park"

Vessel Sigma T
July 12-30, 2004
Journal Index:
July 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18

      19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24/25

      26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30

July 26, 2004
Plankton tow - It is a New Day

Due to all the plankton net problems, Lisa changed her techniques to vertical sampling. Three above and three below the Frontal line then just barely above and below the line. This will give her much smaller samples but she can average the 3 together.

Science question - the water at the line is stationary. Sea otters were sleeping on the line. Are they swept there or do they pursue it on purpose?

Phalarope birds have appeared. Interesting facts on these birds - they have a paddle-shaped foot that lets them spin in a circle to create a vortex current in the water that brings zooplankton to the surface so they can eat it. Also the males have brood patches on their bellies and take care of the eggs.

Marbled Murrelets are here. They are abundant here but are on the endangered list. There is old growth forest for their eggs. Not much is known about them. Biological Research Division attempted to track some by putting a subcutaneous transmitter on them, but was refused by the Department of the Interior. Next the research biologists glued a transmitter to the clipped feathers, but they molted off - so the birds' habits remain a mystery.

We were successful with the casts up bay from the frontal line. The surface tow worked well for 8 minutes - gave lots of phyto- and zooplankton.

Next the vertical casts were within 1 meter of their goals of 20 and 40 meters. After repeating 3 times each, it took 3 hours.

We moved to our next location and the seas were rough. We tried one 20 m. tow, but it was too rough. The fog rolled in, and Lisa decided to pack it up and go home.

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