Journals 2003/2004
Sarah Quan
Narragansett High School, Narragansett, RI
"Study of the exchange of waters between the Northeast Atlantic and the Norwegian Sea"
R/V Johan Hjort, Nordic Seas
July 10 - 30, 2003 m
July 19, 2003
Latitude: 61º 42.791' N
Longitude: 11º 53.115 W
Air Temperature: 13º C
Water Temperature: 14.3º C
We are back into the warm waters that have come north via the Gulf Stream. At 2:30 (yes, in the morning) we deployed sound source #5. We just continue steaming from one location to the next and regardless of the time of day, we deploy once we get there. Being up at 2:30 I found out that it does indeed almost get dark here...at least for a little while. As usual I manned my post on the Bridge to collect coordinates for the mooring. Except for the colorful lights of the navigational equipment all the lights where off on the bridge. In fact to preserve the integrity of darkness the stairwell leading up to the bridge is lit with ultraviolet light. It was very peaceful and serene looking out at the sea in the darkness. The captain was off duty and the barefoot first mate was in charge. He turned on the radio quietly and was bopping to Bob Dylan singing "How Does it Feel?" My first thought was 'what a bummer having this shift' but in retrospect it was a special place to be at a special time of day.

The rocking of the waves is mesmerizing and lulling at night. I cannot believe how well I sleep out here. I have gotten used to walking on the ship carefully timing my steps with the rhythm of the rock. Every time we transition from rocking up to rocking down there is a short delay while my brain and eyes catch up. They are still going up while my skull is on its way down. It translates into a pressure more than a crash. Just another application of Newton's Laws in action!