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Journals 2009/2010

Teresa Gable
Seneca Falls Middle School, Seneca Falls, NY

"Long-term Monitoring for Assessment of Salt Marsh Restoration"
August 9 - 21, 2009
Journal Index:
August 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15/16
           17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21

August 21, 2009
Lab day

Today was spent in the lab at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute. We had to clean up and put away the equipment and dry out the nets.

Net hanging out to dry

We tied up any loose ends and I worked on my journal. We shared our photographs from the field.

Also, I had a chance to see the collection of salt water invertebrates that Spencer Blair-Glantz collect from the ocean. He spent two days on a boat collecting samples. The first day, he caught six fish. The second day, he snorkeled and collected several sea stars, a lobster larvae, clams, green crabs and sea urchins. Since I am so close to the ocean, it was nice to see several ocean organisms.

This is a green crab walking across the lab table.

In the salt marsh, we found several horseshoe crab exoskeletons but that was the only ocean animal I saw for the past two weeks. It was fun to watch the crabs side step their way across the table.

So this marks the conclusion of my research experience. I will be sad to leave but I am ready to go home and sleep in my own bed. The last thing I would like to see before I leave Maine is the Portland Lighthouse on Cape Elizabeth. I have seen it from the water but I would like to see from the land. It is a beautiful lighthouse.

The Portland Lighthouse in the fog

So farewell Maine, I have made some friends and acquaintances. I have learned new things and had some amazing opportunities. I am grateful for my host homes and the people who provided a bed for my weary head. Thank you for a great experience. I have fond memories of my two week stay and I have enjoyed every minute of it.