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Journals 2009/2010

Daphne Rawlinson
West University Elementary, Houston, Texas

"Sound Localization in Plainfin Midshipman Fish"
Bodega Bay Marine Lab, Bodega Bay, California
July 17 - July 26, 2009
Journal Index:
July 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24
      25 - 26

July 25, 2009
It's a Wrap!

The day was filled with excitement and exhaustion. We are done with this summer's research. We were successful in gathering all the necessary data for Dr. Sisneros and his team. Over the next several months all the data we collected this summer will be analyzed by Dr. Sisneros and his team back at the University of Washington.

Daphne on the Northern California Coast, Pacific Coast Highway

We returned to our living quarters only to have our last meal with all our newfound research friends. Well, it was more of a party! I must say one of the best parts of the project was the phenomenal cooking! We had some of the best food imaginable!

Wrap-up Party at Dr. Sisneros and Andrew's Apartment