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Journals 2004/2005

Catherine Roberts
Western Branch Middle School, Chesapeake, VA

"Study of frontal zones in
the vicinity of Cape Hatteras"

R/V Cape Henelopen
July 31 - August 14, 2004
Journal Index:
July 28/31

August 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9

          10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14

July 28, 2004

After several failed phone attempts and one successful e mail, I stopped by Old Dominion University (ODU) today to meet the Principal Investigator of our research, Dana Savidge. She is temporarily at ODU from Skidway Institute in Georgia. We spent an hour and a half reviewing a power point on the research proposal and looking over the data collecting instruments. We will be collecting salinity, density, temperature, and flow data to determine the extent of the frontal zone of the Gulf Stream and a cold water Shelf Break Current of water from the Labrador Sea. Our vessel the RV Cape Henlopen will leave Lewes, Delaware and travel to the Atlantic Ocean just off the coast of Cape Hatteras. Dana Savidge will be on a second vessel surveying from Cape Hatteras, South. There will also be scientists on board the RV Cape Henlopen from Duke University. They will be surveying marine mammal, sea turtle, and sea bird distributions.

July 31, 2004
Some Assembly Required

I arrived at the RV Cape Henlopen at 1300, excited and ready to load gear to find out that the rental truck of equipment from Woods Hole broke down on I95 in Rhode Island stranding two WHOI scientists and most of the oceanographic instruments. An unplanned side trip to the mechanic and a day in Beach traffic later, the truck arrived.

A flurry of activity ensued:

  • unloading buoys, sensors, computers, and 100 pound weights.
  • Fork lifts, boat cranes, and scientists in a ballet of loading on deck and assembling.
And all of this happening on a typical Eastern Shore hot, muggy, July afternoon. The occasional cooling rain shower was a welcome event. Assembly continued into the evening until a tired crew of scientist and technicians finally called it a night under a full moon.

(Click on thumbnails below for full version pop-up)

The Team:
Captains: Bill and Jimmy
Engineers: Chuck and Sandy
Technicians: Wynn and Brian
Cook: Tim
Chief Scientist: Glen Gawarkiewicz
Project Scientists: Chris, Jim, Melanie, Teresa, Frank, Craig
Marine Mammal Scientists: Carolyn, Leslie, Erin
ARMADA Teacher: Cathy

Final Word: Tropical depression off the coast of Florida developed into a tropical storm- predicted winds for tomorrow 18 kts.... Mmmm!

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